Lost&Found releases 2024 Impact Report
Lost&Found has released a report highlighting its impact on suicide prevention throughout the region in 2024.
The 2024 Impact Report marks a change in calendar for the organization: This report aligns with the calendar year. An annual report with a more complete overview of the organization’s work as well as a financial report will be released after the organization’s fiscal year ends in June.
Read the report to see stories of impact from Lost&Found’s four focus areas: Student Programs, Education & Advocacy, Research & Evaluation, and Postvention.
Here is the introduction to the report:
2024 was a year of ups and downs for Lost&Found.
Many of the plans we’d made in January had to be adjusted midyear to account for new, sometimes difficult realities. Thankfully, at Lost&Found, we know a lot about resilience. This past year, resilience was not only at the heart of the messages we shared and the trainings we offered, but also at center of our response to changing conditions.
And so our work continued: Hundreds of young adults benefitted from their connections to Lost&Found’s student programs. Data that will help to improve LGBTQ+ health— both mental and physical—was gathered in a research project that is breaking ground nationwide. Families that have lost loved ones to suicide received support. And more than 1,000 individuals received mental health training that will help them respond when they encounter someone in mental distress or suicidal crisis. This Impact Report highlights some of this work from 2024.
Note that it also marks a transition for us: Going forward, we will produce annual reports (with financial information) that align with our fiscal year, July-June. Watch for that later this year.
The generosity of our donors is essential to doing this work. Thanks to all of you who supported Lost&Found in 2024.
Read the full 2024 Impact Report here.