
Lost&Found is a recipient of the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health

Lost&Found is a 2024 Gold Recipient of Mental Health America’s Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health.

The Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health certification recognizes employers committed to creating mentally healthy workplaces. The Bell Seal’s holistic evaluation of employer practices considers the entire employee experience.

Recipients of the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health are nationally recognized as meeting or exceeding workplace standards that promote positive worker mental health and well-being and join a community of leaders committed to advancing the workplace mental health movement.

“Receiving the seal confirms that our efforts in creating a workplace that supports our team’s mental health are going in the right direction,” said Gesine Ziebarth, Lost&Found’s Research & Evaluation Manager. “It motivates us to stay the course and look for additional ways to do better, especially working in a field — suicide prevention — that can get heavy at times.”

Only 1 in 4 employers meet the standards for Bell Seal certification. Bell Seal recipients, representing a combined workforce of 3 million workers, understand that time, intention, investment, and collaboration at all organizational levels are needed to support workers’ mental health and well-being.

Bell Seal recipients represent over 28 industries – from health care and the public sector to financial services and manufacturing – and organizational sizes, from three to more than 1 million workers, in 35 states.

Mental Health America is a nonprofit that advances the mental health and well-being of all people living in the U.S. through public education, research, advocacy, public policy, and direct service.


Lost&Found's staff, March 2024

Lost&Found’s staff, March 2024

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